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    A pesticide for the control of cockroaches and other crawling insects as ‎well as flies and other flying insects.‎

    Pro-Gel is a cockroach control product that can be used in residential, commercial, ‎industrial and other areas. When used in places were food is handled (prepared, ‎produced, processed or stored), Pro-Gel may be used only in cracks and crevices ‎that are not in surfaces on which food is prepared or stored. Pro-Gel is effective in ‎the control of various cockroach species such as Blatella germanica, Blata ‎orientalis and Periplaneta americana.‎
Formulation type: Wettable Powder
Composition: 25% Permethrin Primary non-active ingredient: Kaolin
Description: For the elimination of flying insects, flies and mosquitos, crawling insects, ‎cockroaches and ants.‎

Flying insects: Spray solution on windows, walls, structures and other places flying insects are present. 10 L spray will cover about 200 sq.m.

Cockroaches and ants: Spray solution on floor, along baseboard, in cracks and grooves, manholes, sewer, and in any other insect hiding place. 5 L spray will cover about 100 sq.m.


InsectDosage active ingredient
(% volume)
Quantity per 10 L waterNotes
Flying insects0.25100 gTo eliminate flies, add sugar as toxic bait. Do not simultaneously use products from the same toxin group against crawling insects and mature insects in the same location.
Cockroaches, ants and other crawling insects0.4-0.5160-200 gRepeat treatment according to re-infestation as will be determined after thorough examination.
Observation: Poisonous to fish and other water organisms and to bees.
Manufacturer: Tapazol Chemical Products LTD.
Packing: 1 Kg.
Misrad Haganat Hasviva: 205
Re-entry: After 6 hours.‎
Crawling & Flying Insects
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