Variety | Dosage Dilamide (g/1000 L water) | Application time | Notes |
Delicious, Golden | 500-600 g (50-60 ppm) + surfactant* | 3 days after full blossoming | Dosage recommended for uniform blossoming |
300-400 g (30-40 ppm) + surfactant* | 3 days after full blossoming at each tier | Dosage recommended for continuous blossoming that comes in waves and progresses by tier. Direct spray towards blossoming tier. Wait at least one week between applications. | |
800-1000 g (80-100 ppm) + surfactant* | 3 days after full blossoming | Dosage recommended for plentiful blossoming | |
Jonathan | 400-500 g (40-50 ppm) + surfactant* | 3 days after full blossoming | Fruit is naturally small, so thin as early as possible. Use lower dosage to avoid over-thinning. |
Orleans | 3 days after full blossoming (1-3 days after petals drop) | Reduce spraying volume where over-thinning might occur. Do not use chemical thinning when blossoming occurs in extreme hot and dry weather. | |
Red Delicious, Starking Delicious | During ripening (1-3 days after petals drop) | Due to the alternating nature of this variety in terms of annual yield, the grove should be sprayed selectively. Spray the upper, sun-exposed part of the tree. |
Note: Surfactant – Triton X-100 conc. 0.025% (= 250 ml surfactant per 1000 L water).
Variety | Objective of treatment | Dosage of active ingredient (ppm, g, ml) | Application time | Notes and spray volume | |
Dilamide | Alfanol Super | ||||
Golden | Thin blossoms and fruit | 600-800 g/1000 L water (60-80 ppm) | 100-150 ml/1000 L water (20-30 ppm) | 3-7 days after full blossoming |
Note: Surfactant – Triton X-100 conc. 0.025% (= 250 ml surfactant per 1000 L water).
Attention: 100 g Dilamide in 1000 L water is equivalent to 10 ppm active ingredient.