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    Oxygal is activated from autumn until spring by sprinkling or by rain.‎ The product prevents emerging of the weeds listed below, for an extended period of ‎time, depending on the season and dosage, and eliminates weeds up to 10 cm ‎high (with the exception of Gramineae whose emergence only is prevented):‎ ‎1.‎Broad-leaved weeds: Euphorbia heterophylla, Ribes nigrum, Abutilon, ‎Convolvulus (from seed), Xanthium, Datura, Malva, Lavatera, Amaranthus, ‎Portulaca, Chrozophora tinctoria, Persicaria,
  • FASTER ‎

    Faster is a general, non-selective herbicide that eliminates existing annual and ‎perennial weeds upon contact. The product does not prevent sprouting of weeds or ‎cultivated plants. The product is absorbed through the green parts of the plant and is ‎not absorbed through the roots.‎ Perennials are sprayed at the peak of growth, during or close to blossoming. Annual ‎weeds are sprayed at end of sprouting. For maximum efficiency, sufficient foliage ‎surface area is required to absorb the product

    Typhoon is a systemic herbicide for use in the elimination of existing weeds ‎excluding Lamium, Urtica, Malva, Prosopis and Alhagi.‎ Typhoon is absorbed by the plant's foliage and is transported to the various parts of ‎the plant, including those under the ground. Response time to the product depends ‎on the weather and on the condition of the treated weed.‎ After spraying of perennial weeds, avoid any processing of the soil that may ‎damage weeds in the treated area for at least 7 days. ‎ R
  • STAR

    Star prevents the emergence of most annual, broad-leaved and Gramineae weeds. ‎Large-seed legumes, Compositae and Apiaceae weeds are only moderately ‎sensitive to the product and their emergence cannot be prevented at dosages lower ‎than 500 ml/dunam. Sprouts of weeds that are susceptible to the product are ‎scorched to the degree of total elimination. The reaction of the plant to contact with ‎the product depends on its species and age. Malva, Fumaria, Amaranthus and ‎Portulaca, for instance, a
  • FALCON ‎

    Falcon has-a unique action herbicidal action that -inhibits the photosynthesis ‎process by affecting the weed's carotenoids synthesis and chlorophyll oxidation ‎process.‎ Weeds - susceptible to the product are bleached and eliminated shortly after the ‎product is applied. Falcon is absorbed by the weed's foliage,roots and seedlings. ‎To use the product to prevent sprouting, the soil must be wet (irrigation or rain). After ‎sprouting, Falcon is used mainly to complete the elimination of o

    Hunter is absorbed by the weed's root system and is transported systemically within ‎the plant. The product is activated after its incorporation into the soil by rain or ‎irrigation. The effect on weeds is not immediately apparent; Hunter remains in the ‎soil for an extended time depending on dosage, soil type, irrigation method and ‎water quantities. The product may leave long-term residues, which must be taken ‎into account during application and when re-designating the soil –uprooting ‎previ

    Liron is a residual herbicide that prevents emergence and eliminates annual weeds ‎up to 5-8 cm high on contact (but does not prevent or eliminate Conyza, Lolium and ‎Apiaceae).‎ Liron is suitable for the selective elimination of weeds before emergence and can ‎sometimes be used to eliminate existing weeds. It is therefore possible to use Liron ‎on areas that are weed-free or where weeds have begun to emerge.‎

    Metro is a selective herbicide used to eliminate Gramineae and broad-leaved ‎weeds in potatoes and carrots and to prevent emergence. Weeds that are resistant ‎to Triazines will be resistant to the product as well.‎ Affected weeds include: various types of Amaranthus, Portulaca oleracea, various ‎types of Chenopodium, Cruciferae (Sinapis arvensis, Diplotaxis), Malva, ‎Heliotropium, Ammi majus, Fumaria, Emex spinosa, Conyza bonariensis, wheat, ‎Avena sterilis, Lolium rigidum.‎

    Platoon acts on susceptible plants like a hormonal substance and causes ‎distortions and folding of the leaves and young growth. The product is selective ‎towards some agricultural crops. It penetrates through the green foliage and affects ‎the root system. Susceptible plants include Rubus sanguineus, Cynanchum acutum, ‎Convolvulus arvensis, Prosopis farcta, Solanum elaeagnifolium, Solanum nigrum, ‎Alhagi maurorum, Asparagus aphyllus, Polygonum equisetiforme, Xanthium ‎strumarium, Galium aparine

    Promo is a selective herbicide from the amide family. The product is absorbed by ‎the roots of susceptible weeds and it eliminates mostly Gramineae plants. Promo ‎eliminates and prevents the emergence of annual Gramineae grass sprouts and in ‎higher dosages minimizes and inhibits the emergence of Fumaria, Malva, ‎Chenopodium, Urtica, wild beet, Amaranthus, Cruciferae and Cuscuta. For use in ‎winter only.‎

    Tavor is a herbicide composed of two selective active ingredients that complement ‎each other's method of action: Oxyfluofen, which is absorbed by the foliage and ‎affects the photosynthesis process in annual broad-leaved weeds, and ‎propyzamide, a selective Amide herbicide that inhibits cell division. The product is ‎absorbed by susceptible weeds and mainly eliminates Gramineae weeds.‎ Weeds eliminated by Tavor: After activation by sprinkling or rain, Tavor will ‎prevent the emergence of the

    Top-Gan is a selective herbicide designed to eliminate annual Gramineae weeds in ‎wheat. The product contains two active ingredients – a herbicide and a selectivity ‎enhancer – at a 4:1 ratio. ‎ The product, which has systemic action and is applied after the emergence of the ‎weeds, begins to take effect 1-2 days after application,The young leaves turn yellow ‎and die first, followed gradually by the more mature leaves. ‎ The product does not act via the soil and so weeds that emerge after app

Selective herbicide for the control of broad-leaved weeds in alfalfa ‎

Formulation type: SL
Composition: ‎400 g/L 2,4-DB as potassium salt
Description: A hormonal herbicide that acts on the - shoot apex-. -controls - Malva, beet root, ‎Cruciferae, Amaranthus, Chenopodium, Convolvulus, -and inhibits Cuscuta


CropDosage (ml/dunam)Spray volume (L/dunam)Application time
Alfalfa200-25010-20When the alfalfa has at least one trifoliolate leaf, no later than 21 days before harvest


Note: Dibican may cause severe damage in sensitive crops, even in minimal quantities.

Crops that are especially sensitive include grapes, cotton, tobacco, bananas and tomatoes.  To prevent drift onto sensitive crops, do not spray when windy.

Combinations: In the absence of information, do not use in combination with other products.‎
Manufacturer: Tapazol Chemical Industries LTD
Storage: Store in a cool and dry place
Toxicty degree: IV (Dangerous)‎
Packing: 5 Liter
UN number: ‎3082‎
Registr no. at PPIS: 405/P.P./1975‎
Re-entry: 48 Hours
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